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Dr. Hannah Orwa Bula

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Dr. Hannah Orwa Bula

Senior Global Consultant

Hannah is a senior Lecturer of Human Resource management in the department of Business Administration. and the chair of Research, innovation and product development in the school of Business, Economics and Tourism at Kenyatta University She holds a PhD in Business Administration and Management and has over 10years experience of University teaching and research.  

She has been editor in chief in Doctoral Association of Eastern Africa and the University journal as well as in the first and second International Business ad research conference (IBRIC 2019 and 2020) Hannah is an accomplished researcher and has been recognized for the last three years as one of the top 1000 scientist in Kenya by AD scientific index (world scientist ranking)

She has over 1000 citations by Google scholar citation. Hannah is well published with four university level books on Human resource management and entrepreneurship and three book chapters. She has supervised and graduated 13 PhDs and more than 100 master’s thesis and projects. She has presented conference papers in international conferences as well as being a key note speaker.

Hannah is among the researchers that won Diversification Initiative: Exploratory grant in June 2024 worth 10,000 USD by Innovation for Poverty action. She was also nominated as a secondee of Global Entrepreneurship Talent Management Work package 4 (GETM4) by European Union. A mobility grant that attracted seventeen universities globally.

Hannah, recently participated in Kenya Livestock and Agricultural Research organization (KALRO) recruitment consultancy that selected 250 job applicants out of 29,000 job applicants in 23 job cadres for Kshs. 6.9 million.

She is a researcher on a Bill and Melinda Gates 5 year funded project housed under Kenyatta University on What Works for women economic empowerment hub (-KU-WEE Hub) for USD.4.15 million. 

She is also a trainer of trainers on Human resource management and entrepreneurship. She has coordinated a 5 year project from 2018 by world bank/NITA on Job Skills Project in Kisumu County Kenya targeting Kenya Youth Employment in both formal and informal sectors for Ksh.19million.

 She was a lead research consultant in the Oxfam funded project dubbed Livelihood sustainability in urban informal settlements: Case of innovation by women entrepreneurs in Nairobi, Kenya.2016 for Ksh.1million. 

She has also participated as a researcher in UNESCO HEDGES Chair –Kenyatta University, Baseline survey on Green economy. 2020-2021. she is an SME expert with African virtual university on Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation and has authored two modules that are used by the African virtual university on Entrepreneurship and Technology innovation. In this project, Hannah will be a workforce compact expert.